Friday, February 8, 2013

Overcoming Setbacks

While I was on my walk today I started to come to terms with a few health-related issues I've been struggling with lately and I thought about all the other people who may be in the same boat, or at least paddling along next to me. As I have already mentioned, I lost a significant amount of weight a few years ago and have made health an important part of my life. I was in a tough spot about a year ago when I was diagnosed with a hip labrum tear which is a tear in the cartilage of the hip joint. It was really painful and after trying to get through it and failing, I went through with the surgery. Afterwords, not being able to be active at all was really hard on me. I had spent so much time working on my health and pushing my fitness limits that to now have to sit on the couch all day watching daytime TV during my summer break...well that was about as close to cruel and unusual as I can imagine. I went through the physical therapy and started to get back to normal day-to-day activities but here we are, 9 months post repair and I'm still not where I thought I would be.

My new years resolution was to start running again and compete in some small races, 5Ks and such. I started slow by jogging a mile a couple times a week and walking the other days just to get myself ready to work on distance. After a couple days of running, I was really hurting and not just take-some-advil-and-rest pain, but couldn't-walk-right pain. It devastated me that I could go from running 3-4 miles every day and running bridges to being 10lbs heavier and not even able to run 1 mile comfortably. I took a few days off and tried to jog again but the pain came back even worse. Could it be that I'm just not meant to run? The last thing I want to do is push myself into another injury that would set me back another year.

This brings me to my realization today: I need to find what really works for my body. It's not ok to just work out to burn calories or improve endurance if it's causing pain. I love to walk and I always have, it's what helped me lose all that weight to begin with and scientifically speaking, it actually burns more fat due to its moderate intensity. Why can't I just be happy walking a few miles everyday? I should be and I have re-resolved to do just that. We shouldn't be exercising the way someone tells us to, but instead we should be making a lifelong hobby out of a healthy activity that we enjoy. With my joint injuries, walking and biking work better for me than running does. I really enjoy lifting weights too which is a great complement to my more moderate activities. I know plenty of people who prefer to run and do yoga or even people who push their human limits with crossfit. They found what works for them and we all need to find what works for us. I would like to lose the extra weight I've gained and I do want to feel like I'm in great shape again, but instead of focusing on the weight I really just want to enjoy my activities again.

Meet my inspiration: my youngest dog Portia
Portia loves going on long walks with me and she benefits from it just as much as I do. At just under a year old, she has more energy than any of us know what to do with so the walks are a great outlet for her.

There's my girl right by my side. She makes me remember how good for you going for a walk really is. She doesn't try to run and drag me along because she's content just going for a good brisk walk, which is something I need to be content with least for now. And if I really want to get my heart rate up, I'll just take her 85lb squirrel-chasing big brother for a walk!

If you are struggling with a health setback, don't let it get to you and don't think that there isn't a solution. Try new things and find what works best for you and makes you feel good. Good health is a life-long thing so it's important to find activities you can enjoy throughout your life.

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